Thursday, April 06, 2006


Touring '06

So Ellen came last weekend, and we had a lovely time doing some of the major tourist attractions. As is my wont, bullet points are called for.

I could put that question to my Mom. It reminds me of a hilarious speech from Arcadia, which I had the privilege to perform at Georgetown:

Bernard: One of my colleagues believed he had found an unattributed short story by DH Lawrence and he analysed it on his home computer, most interesting, perhaps you remember the paper?

Valentine: Not really. But I often sit with my eyes closed and it doesn't necessarily mean I'm awake.

Bernard: Well, by comparing sentence structures and so forth, this chap showed that there was a ninety per cent chance that the story had indeed been written by the same person as Women in Love. To my inexpressible joy, one of your maths mob was able to show that on the same statistical basis there was a ninety per cent chance that Lawrence also wrote the Just William books and much of the previous day's Brighton and Hove Argus.
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