Monday, February 14, 2005


Abstain, abstain, abstain

Just been reading Henry Waxman's report into federally funded abstinence education. Couple of months old, but still remarkable for all the lies and misrepresentations that it reveal in government-funded education. Here are some examples: Touching another's genitals can result in pregnancy. One can get HIV through transmission of sweat or tears. Increased condom usage increases the spread of STDs (An insane proposition). Other STD infection rate has increased in recent years (Syphillis incidences have fallen 78% since 1990, gonorrhea 58%). The blastocyst, a ball of 107 to 256 cells at the start of uterine implantation, "snuggles" into the uterus. A 43-day-old fetus is a thinking person10 to 12 weeks after conception. A fetus can see and hear (It must be bloody bored). 41% of sexually active heterosexual female teens and 50% of gay boys have HIV

Of course, for every claim there's a counterclaim, and the Heritage Foundation came out with a "rebuttal" to the report. But, and this I find depressing, reprehensible, and totally to be expected, the report does not address a single one of the lies and inaccuracies in these programs.

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