Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Back to Gym

Joined the gym last night (no, it wasn't a New Year's resolution). My gym is called Caesar's, which seems to me more redolent of decadence than asceticism and self-improvement. It's only OK. Like the other Dutch sporting facilities I've seen, it has no soap and a lot of regulations. You aren't allowed to wear swimming trunks in the steam room or sauna, but you have to sit or lie on a towel, which means that you need to bring 2 towels with you. Also, there are big signs all over saying that people who do not use the steam room and sauna for their intended use will lose their membership. I'm trying to imagine what people did.

The facilities are fairly basic - nothing like Old Eds or my lovely gym at Georgetown - but they have all one needs, I guess. I did a nice arm workout, with lots of supersets so I sweat, then did a few minutes on the elliptical machine and got thoroughly bored - I just don't have that mindset. Fortunately, I had an excuse: a 15-minute abs workout, which was quite good.

What is nice is the pool, which is big, deep and warm (nice if you're with a lady but not if you're in the jungle). Tonight I go spinning - can't wait to be shouted at in Dutch - I'll have to keep a close watch on what everyone else is doing.

And to Roosevelt Lee Roosevelt, I say:

What it is. What it was. What it shall be.
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