Thursday, February 02, 2006


Bicycle race bicycle race bicycle race bicycle race

Well, not quite, but last weekend I decided to put my money where my mouth was and go for a real ride with my friend P-O. We went for a 40km ride through the dunes north of The Hague to a seaside resort called Katwijk. One of the hilliest rides one is likely to take in Holland (it is through dunes, after all), it was some fine exercise and at times quite pretty scenery. But yaera castini (sp?) it was cold. Fine once we're riding, but whenever we stopped or even slowed down (ie, when I was going up any sort of hill), the icicles* started forming on my eyebrows. The national park where the dunes were was full of other riders, all of whom seemed to be faster and less mindful of the cold than I. Not quite Dutch yet.

* Recently, I spelled that word "icycle". It looks a bit strange, but maybe that's the kind of icicle you get when you ride on your bicycle. ha ha.

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